fire fighting equipment

Based on innovative Gas-dynamic technology

Patented Innovation

Unsurpassed performance based on innovative gas-dynamic technology

Developments, made on the principals of the gas-dynamic technology, allowed to create a new and unique high-power firefighting equipment, capable of forming a two-phase highly dispersed flow of liquid, ensuring unsurpassed performance in firefighting, thereby uniting professionals in their trust in JETEX – the provider of the best and secure result in fire suppression, and a simbol of a true protection.

The JETEX-fitted equipment and appliances by their qualitative characteristics have no analogues in the world, designed to fight effectively even with the high-intensity area fires.

The patented JETEX module can be used in a number of fire extinguishing systems on various carriers and platforms to extinguish fires of any complexity, including fires of high radiation, fires on high-rise buildings and facilities, forest fires, etc.


Technology principle and opportunities

JETEX opens up new prospects

The principle of gas-dynamic production of high-speed fine-dispersed two-phase flow of fire extinguishing working fluids of high speed and range of action, effectively combining a number of mechanisms of influence on the sources of fire, is the basis of JETEX Fire Fighting System.

System of Gas dynamic Technology (SGT)

Introduction to SGT Technology
implemented in JETEX Fire Fighting System

We have developed a new technology to create a different extinguishing mixture. Its essence is to produce a high-speed two-phase jet of gas and microdroplets of water with a certain concentration of phases. This jet has a long range, linear trajectory, and short extinguishing time, while consuming a small amount of water.

VIDEO: Jet tests on the bench in the laboratory

Two main advantages provided by SGT technology:

Significantly less water use

Extinguished objects are not loaded with large amounts of water, as the water consumption, when feeding through the flow line itself, is several times smaller, because it is not a classical flow of water, but a mixture of water and air, in almost the same proportional volume.

Remarkable efficiency

The JETEX fire-fighting efficiency is extraordinary – several times higher than with conventional devices. It is capable of providing for combined use – extinguishing with a gas-dynamic stream of water, or combining it with the use of foam. The device can also create very high-quality light foam, which reduces the required extinguishing time to a minimum.

"SGT technology is unique due to the fact that the droplets hit the fire at high speed to effectively knock down the flame, avoiding premature evaporation along the way."

Click on brochure or the link below to read more about the SGT technology:

Open in PDF

Some of the tasks resolved by JETEX solutions:

  • Overcoming the distance to the fire
  • Provided by long range of jet flow:
    JETEX / Container type — up to 120 m
    JETEX / Aku firefighter (AKU)20+ m

  • Disruption of the flame
  • Provided by high-speed of jet flow:
    JETEX / Container typeup to 100 m/s
    JETEX / Aku firefighter (AKU)up to 36 m/s

  • Prevention of oxidizer (air) access to the combustion zoneRemoval of heat from combustion zone
  • Provided by size of jet flow droplets:
    JETEX / Container type~100 – 350 µm
    JETEX / Aku firefighter (AKU)~10 – 300 µm
    and increased evaporation speed – 1.000 times higher, in comparison to existing systems.

SGT, when compared to other existing technologies, offers opportunities to:

  • obtain velocities of the working substance in the initial cross-section of the jet flow several times greater;
  • increase the range by 2 times, ensuring the supply of the minimum required amount of fluid over long distances;
  • provide optimal dispersion of droplets or particles of jets in and around the fire site (~100 – 350 µm / ~10 – 300 µm (AKU));
  • reduce twice the consumption of fire extinguishing substance per unit of area of fire;
  • extinguish fires which are difficult or impossible to extinguish from short distances;
  • reduce time to extinguish the fire;
  • reduce damage, caused by process of fire extinguishing.

Key Features

JETEX Advanced performance and technical characteristics

JETEX: Designed to any situation
  • Increased quenching rate with a small volume of water;
  • Highly dispersed gas-drop jet formation capability;
  • Increased range of water and foam application;
  • Capability to use sea water by the system;
  • Capability to use various mobile tanks;
  • Stainless barrel of the water cannon;
  • Minimum water consumption.

JETEX: Container type

Autonomous container-type fire-fighting JETEX system is designed to form a gas-drop jet with highly dispersed structure of droplets to be applied in a form of highly dispersed cloud of droplets, as well as air-filled foam.

0 m
0 m
Water consumption Up to 60 lit/s
Expansion of foam application Any value that can provide the plugged-in water carrier
Range of the jet by water up to 120 m
Range of the jet by medium expansion foam up to 120 m
Lifting/dropping angle +65/-5 degrees
Tube control Manual and remote up to 50 m
Necessary pressure of water supply 1.0-1.3 MPa
Horizontal rotation of the barrel 350 degrees
Operating temperature From -40 to +40°С
Fitting 20-foot container
Overall weight 12.000 kg

JETEX: Aku firefighter (AKU)

There may be situations where the Aku firefighter – a portable type of JETEX equipment – will prove to be more appropriate and convenient, while remaining absolutely reliable, powerful and effective.

0 m
0 m

JETEX Aku firefighter has the following technical characteristics:

Water consumption 40 – 60 lit/min
Expansion of foam application Any value that can provide the plugged-in water carrier
Range of the jet by water 20+ m
Range of the jet by medium expansion foam 20+ m
Tube control Manual
Necessary pressure of water supply 1.5 – 1.8 MPa
Dimensions (Width/Height/Depth) 81 / 64 / 59 cm
Overall weight 85 kg

JETEX Aku firefighter is a powerful fire extinguisher that can be operated even by unqualified operators, including children. It is featured with our two-phase gas-dynamic flow extinguishing technology.

Simply put, it is a mixture of air and small droplets of water, which at a certain pressure and speed will create a coherent extinguishing stream. The mixtures created by JETEX systems have extreme extinguishing effects, as our fire extinguishers generate the micron-scale water droplets, that, upon impact, produce a large amount of steam that takes away heat, while the ordinary fire extinguishers are capable to create water droplets of about 1 mm in diameter, which is incomparable and insufficient by their impact on the fire.

An electric motor powered by a 48V battery drives the high-pressure pump. Charging the battery is exactly the same as for an electric bike or scooter. Starting the device is very simple, just turn on the power switch and the device is in standby mode.

AKU's battery lasts for 20-30 minutes, providing for up to 1500 liters of fire-extinguishing mixture to pass through. For comparison, this amount is 150 times greater than the capacity of a conventional hand-held fire extinguisher.

VIDEO: Aku firefighter walk-around

JETEX Aku firefighter can extinguish even heavy and intense fires, so it can be used in buildings, workshops, offices, factories, as well as on ships and ferries, etc. The device can extinguish with basically any kind of water: clean, dirty from the river, salty from the sea, or water from the pool. Its operation is not restrained by anything.

TEST: Kerosine spill extinguishing (40 liters)

Amount of kerosine – 40 liters
Water – 8 liters2
Foam – 0,25 liters2
Extinguishing time – 14 sec

VIDEO: Aku firefighter kerosine spill extinguishing


JETEX Aku firefighter – multifunctional device for multiple tasks

JETEX Aku firefighter is a modern and multifunctional device with immense potential, which is equipped with a very powerful pump that reaches a performance of up to 40 bar, a long-lasting battery and an electric motor with extreme torque, as well as the embodied within JETEX proprietary technology, which we have successfully tested even on very challenging and strong fires.
But that's not all – we've designed AKU to offer so much more!

JETEX Aku firefighter is an extremely unique device, whose timeless technology is able to:

  • complete various tasks in the island system;
  • operate autonomously, charging the device’s own battery from a local network or, for example, from just two solar collectors, to ensure the continued operation;
  • provide supplying of several houses with drinking water;
  • transport water up to a height of 40 m;
  • supply useful water to gardens and outbuildings;
  • extinguish houses, offices, workshops, cottages, detached houses, stables, pastures, etc.;
  • intake water from any water source;
  • extinguish with water or foam at long distances;
  • use potable, service, or sea water;
  • work automatically and absolutely safe after simply turning on the switch.

JETEX is designed to suit most industries, businesses and civil sectors.

Performing high mobility, responding to the demands of fast transportation and delivery, as well as easy field deployment, the JETEX installations are designed for most of the application purposes, such as one made in the form factor of a 20-foot container, which provides the versatility and convenience when placing on mobile carriers – over-the-road, rail, or marine; as well as stationary platforms of fire fighting systems, including at sites where the most stringent requirements are imposed on fire safety, such as refineries, tanker fleets, seaports, airports, and many other.

JETEX – one for all

  • Airports, flight line and aircraft maintenance areas
  • Flammable liquid storage and handling
  • Marinas, shipyards, port operations
  • Production and process industries
  • Army and defense industries
  • Telecommunications and ICT
  • Transportation and shipping
  • Service sectors
  • Other

At sites and facilities where the most stringent requirements are imposed on fire safety, such as refineries, tanker fleets, sea- and airports, etc., the stationary JETEX modules, equipped with intelligent fire detection and auto-start-stop extinguishing systems, in addition to the mobile JETEX installations, – may provide a more effective alternative or an extra support to eliminate the risk of exposure or spread of fire.


Outstanding and unique performance by JETEX

Our numerous tests show the undeniable advantages of JETEX complexes over conventional means of fighting fires of high complexity and intensity.
This can be seen in the comparison below:

Fire at oil storage tank in Koyang (South Korea) put out by all available conventional means (2018)
Extinguishing gasoline spills using JETEX-equiped fire truck (one of many tests:
see full VIDEO)
Diameter of burning area
Number of firefighters involved
Number of fire fighting equipment used
1 1 1
fire trucks
Extinguishing time

Extinguishing time is reduced significantly when JETEX is used

Time and means always matter. Use JETEX to put out in minutes even the toughest fires!

Tank capacity tons of oil products 50 000 100 000
Diameter m 60,7 85,3
Area m2 3 045 5 715
Extinguishing time
1 JETEX unit )
min 14 28
Extinguishing time
2 JETEX units )
min 7 14

More than 10 years of continuous improvement –
to become # 1

Jet type Gas-droplet Spray
Jet distance m 120 100
Effective distance m 90-110 50-70
Foam jet distance m 120
Water flow rate l/min 3 600 8 000
Drop size microns 150-350 150-300
Drop speed m/sec 70-90 30-40
Fuel flow rate per hour kg 270 1 200 (2*600)
Water quantity at effective distance % (l/min) 40 (1 440) 10 (800)
Height of extinguishing m 60-70 30
Noise rate Db 90 no less 100
Parameter Unit JETEX DSTJFT
Jet range m 120 100
The amount of water delivered at an effective distance % Min 75 5–10
Water consumption l/min 3 600 7 800
Fuel consumption per hour kg 220 About 3 000
The ability to use a foaming agent Available
(at a range 120 m)
Safety The jet is “soft”,
not hot
Powerful jet
Wind effect Possible to work
against the wind
Noise rate Db No more than 100 More than 110

Sound reasons to rely on JETEX

Limits and minimizes
damages harm fire safety costs overall losses

Protects and guards
businesses reputation company's image reliability environment infrastructure

Rescues and saves
the lives nature resources materials

Improves and enhances
safety technological lead progress competitive advantage operational reliability

Due protection

JETEX Declaration of Conformity, Certificate of registration, Patents

Patent protection of JETEX offers the exclusive right to use and exploit the unique functionality of the technology.
A few copeis of oficial documents for reference:


We had to burn a lot to challenge JETEX

See some of it:

Case: Gasoline spill extinguishing (20 tons)

Mass flow of extinguishing agent – 60 lit/s
Amount of gasoline – 20 tons
Area – 620 m2
Extinguishing time – 2 min 38 sec

Case: Gasoline spill extinguishing (4 tons)

Mass flow of extinguishing agent – 51,6 lit/s
Amount of gasoline – 4 tons
Area – 83 m2
Extinguishing time – 40 sec

Case: Building fire extinguishing

Mass flow of extinguishing agent – 33,2 lit/s
Reaching height – 80 + m

Case: Range test

Destance – up to 150 m